Depeche mode songs about depression
Depeche mode songs about depression

depeche mode songs about depression

Cover Version: " Route 66" (first recorded by Nat "King" Cole and by MANY artists since), The Stooges' "Dirt".Their Playing The Angel promotional photos featured them on each bandmember.Cool Shades: often the whole of the band.Cerebus Syndrome: The far the more, arguably they became the darkest on Songs of Faith and Devotion.


  • This can also be said for Alan around the Songs of Faith and Devotion era: Feeling underappreciated by the rest of the band despite doing the arranging and playing the majority of keyboard parts for both the album and subsequent tour, plus not getting on with anyone except then drug-addict Dave, he felt like he had enough and left after the end of the Devotional Tour.
  • They both seem better adjusted and happier these days. This was most true in the early '90s when Gahan's drug problem culminated in him nearly dying of an overdose, and Fletch's continuing problems with clinical depression resulted in a full-fledged nervous breakdown. "You Move" fits into two categories while simultaneously being about Sex with the Ex.
  • Break Up Song: "No More" and "Poison Heart" are directly break-up songs.
  • Blasphemous Boast: "Personal Jesus", as the name implies, compares the narrator's skills as a romantic partner to, well, Jesus.
  • Badass Baritone: Dave Gahan's vocals combine a deep singing voice with a rugged image, producing this effect.
  • Auto Erotica: "Behind the Wheel" is sort of about cars, but it's more about having a dominant partner.
  • Author Tract: "The Landscape is Changing" is Alan Wilder being an environmentalist.
  • Author Appeal: There sure are a lot of dominant women and BDSM overtones in the lyrics and videos.
  • Also several other songs qualify, such as "Enjoy the Silence", "Personal Jesus", and of course, the handwaving motion in "Never Let Me Down Again", popularized by the "101" film.
  • Dave Gahan also loves to get concert crowds to sing the choruses to the band's other songs.
  • Audience Participation Song: "Everything Counts" is their longest-standing.
  • depeche mode songs about depression

    Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Played for Drama on "New Dress.".


    The Anti-Nihilist: This seems to be the idea in "World Full Of Nothing": a young couple are both losing their virginity, complete with Tears of Joy, and while the song makes clear it isn't a case of true love, it's still valuable as it adds a bit of happiness to an otherwise grim and meaningless world.Angst: A very frequent trope for them, bordering on the omnipresent.Playing The Angel too after the purely electronic Exciter. Alternative Rock: Depeche Mode turned to this trope on Songs of Faith and Devotion and Ultra.Alternative Dance: Trope Codifier along with New Order, and probably one of the genre's best-known and most influential artists (up there with Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, Saint Etienne and Garbage.).Also Playing the Angel is a line from "The Darkest Star". Album Title Drop: Construction Time Again is from the second line in "Pipeline", and Some Great Reward comes from the end of "Lie to Me".equivalent of The Singles '81-'85, which omitted "People Are People" and "Everything Counts" in favour of "Flexible" and an early version of the Black Celebration track "Fly on the Windscreen"). album release was on Catching Up with Depeche Mode (the original U.S. Also the track "Flexible," whose only U.S. Although it is a nice way of collecting together non-album tracks such as "Get the Balance Right!".Especially bad because the single would later come out on Some Great Reward, screwing over all the American fans who had dropped the cash to buy the "album." Meanwhile, it took three attempts for the single "People Are People" to finally become a Top 40 hit in the United States, roughly a year after it was first released. Album Filler: People Are People is really just the titular hit single packaged with some B Sides and recycled stuff from the previous two albums.As their manner drastically changed on Songs of Faith and Devotion, they performed older songs in the same manner as the new ones. Adaptation Expansion: What they did to their singles from the previous albums in 1993.Dave's dye job in the mid 80's is probably the second worst.'80s Hair: In The '80s, the whole band, but Martin's blond "halfro" (which he still has, toned down a little) has to be seen to be believed.I just can't trope enough I just can't trope enough: Peter Gordeno - keyboards, piano, bass, backing vocals (1998-present).

    depeche mode songs about depression depeche mode songs about depression

  • Christian Eigner - drums (1997-present).
  • Daryl Bamonte note filled in for Andy Fletcher for parts of the Exotic/Summer '94 Tour - keyboards (1994).

  • Depeche mode songs about depression